Ultra*Glaze provides Professional Glass Cleaning and Polishing Services for one and two-story residential & commercial buildings.
Ultra*Glaze uses industry-specific cleaning solutions, glass polishing systems and tools to remove hard mineral deposits, rust stains, and other oxidized etchings.This service restores existing in-frame glass to a “like new” surface condition. Get that dull, hazy and visually unattractive glass polished out once and for all!
Invisible Shield is an additional protective polish and weather-resistant application that repels water, dirt, grime, and pollution. You will notice exceptional results for months at a time.
For interior or exterior glass cleaning, Ultra*Glaze wipes heavy build-up and loose dust with a wet cloth. A soap solution is then used to scrub the glass with a soft scrub pad. Any remaining stubborn residue will be wet scraped with a razor blade. The glass is then squeegeed and wiped dry with clean cloths and paper towels for sparkling results.